Author / Writer Frank Racioppi --Novels, Nonfiction for passionate readers.
Starting From Now just published! Amazon, B&N, Ingram, Indie Bookstores
Starting From Now available in ebook and paperback formats.

Click On each book cover for a summary.
After 38 years as a speechwriter and editor for a Fortune 50 company, I retired and indulged my love of writing, podcasting, and reading.
I live with my partner Linda, two cats named Moogie and Tinker Bell and two squirrels named Bonnie & Clyde, who always try to steal the birdseed from our bird feeders!

Frank Racioppi is a South Jersey-based author who works as a podcast journalist, managing and writing for the Ear Worthy online publication. Frank is the author of 5 nonfiction books, 4 novels, and two short story collections.

About Frank Racioppi
Frank Racioppi is a published author with a passion for storytelling. His books span across various genres and have been well-received by readers and critics alike.

Ken Grayson, Make A Connection Editor-in-Chief
To say this novel was beautiful would simply be a understatement in the highest offense. This book held me captivated from beginning until the very end. I was so drawn in by the characters that I could hardly stand to be separated from them. It would be doing a serious injustice if people decided against reading this novel.
Review of "For The Love Of Books"
Ear Worthy is a superb podcast publication that highlights indie podcasts and helps listeners to find podcast that match your needs, lifestyles, and passions.

George Witt, Podcast Consultant
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Important Dates
November 19, 2024
August 19, 2024
January 4, 2024
August 21, 2023
Starting From Now is published. This is definitely not your Hallmark romance! There are no gorgeous young professionals (Writers, photographers, artists), and there are no exotic locations. Instead, this romance novel welcomes readers to a Home Improvement center surrounded by tools, the smell of sawdust, and warehouse decor.
Tales From South Jersey is published -- Read about the land of blueberries, Pine Barrens, WaWa, Wildwood and the people who live there.
Least Best Employee: A Novel published January 4, 2024.
The Deep World Is published -- A fantasy novel where Guardians are trained to defend the physical world against the incursion of evil.
July 5, 2023
Cardinal Rules & Other Tales is published -- these 11 stories offer a unique view of human nature and social interaction at work.
To schedule Frank on your podcast, suggest a podcast review he should cover, or to interview him about any of his books, contact him at:
Tel: 856-271-8320 | Email: albert49141@gmail.com
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